White Kidney Bean
Photo: flickr user Ewan-M
White kidney beans are a healthy form of protein and fiber and has a more delicate flavor than the red kidney bean.
Translations: White nieru pupu, Balta inkstų pupelių, Fasole albă, Bijeli grah, White thận Bean, Biała fasola, Witte Kidney Bean, सफेद मूंग, Feijão Branco, Белый почки Бин, Λευκό φασόλι νεφρών, اللوبيا البيضاء, 흰색 강낭콩, Bílé fazole, White Bean Ginjal, Sakit White Bean, 白芸豆, Blanc fesol, Beli fižol, Biele fazuľa, לבן שעועית כליה, Бели грах, ホワイトインゲン, Haricot blanc, Hvid Nyre Bean, Hvit Kidney Bean, Blanco frijol, Білий нирки Бін, Valkoinen tarhapapu, Бял бял боб