Palm Kernel Oil
Palm Kernel Oil is a white to yellowish oil produced from the seeds of the Palm Fruit. It is quite different from Palm Oil in terms of its chemical structure.
Palm Kernel Oil is high in saturated fatty acids and becomes a soft solid at room temperature. It is used for cooking and the making of soaps and candles.
Other names: Palm Nut Oil, Palm Seed Oil
Translations: Palmu kodolu eļļa, Palmių branduolių aliejus, Ulei de palmier Kernel, Palm Dầu hạt nhân, Olej z ziaren palmowych, Palmpitolie, पाम तेल कर्नेल, Palm ядра нефти, Palm Oil Kernel, نواة النخيل النفط, 팜 커널 오일, Palm Oil kernel, 棕榈仁油, Aceite de Palma del núcleo, שמן תמרים ליבה, Palmkärnolja, Палмино уље кернела, パーム核油, Huile de palmiste, Palmkernöl, Palmekerneolie, Oli de Palma del nucli, Palm ядра нафти, Palmunydin Öljy, Палмистовото масло