Nokkelost Cheese
A semi-hard cheese with the shape of a block or wheel. It is a factory-made version of the Dutch cheese Leiden and has been made since the seventeenth century. The name of the cheese means "crossed keys" as it is marked with the imprint of crossed keys which is the emblem of the city of Leiden.
Translations: Nokkelost Siers, Nokkelost Sūriai, Nokkelost Brânză, Nokkelost sira, Nokkelost Kaas, Nokkelost पनीर, Nokkelost Queijo, Nokkelost сыра, Nokkelost Τυρί, Nokkelost الجبن, Nokkelost 치즈, Nokkelost Sýry, Nokkelost Keju, Nokkelost奶酪, Nokkelost Formatge, Nokkelost Sir, Nokkelost Syry, Nokkelost Formaggio, Nokkelost גבינה, Nokkelost Ost, Ноккелост сир, Nokkelostチーズ, Nokkelost fromage, Nokkelost Queso, Nokkelost сиру, Nokkelost Juusto, Nokkelost сирене