

A tender fruit which grows in tropical areas of the world. The outer skin is usually green and the soft flesh is pinkish red or orange in color. The middle of the fruit contains tiny black seeds.

Pawpaw has a sweet taste and when young contains a valuable enzyme known as papain which stimulates digestion, treats burns and helps to prevent worms. It is also useful in tenderizing meat.


Other names: Papaw, Paw Paw
Translations: パパイヤ, Nepadorumas, ببو فاكهة, Papája, Непристойний, Papaye, Павпав, 포포의, Papája, Papaia, פאפאיה, Papaya, Onfatsoenlijk, Papaya, गंदा, Papaya, Mamão, 波波, Непристойный, Papaya



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