Pacific Herring


Pacific Herring is a type of Herring found mostly in the North Pacific Ocean. It is silvery on the bottom and bluish green at top, growing up to 18 inches in length.

Pacific Herring is caught for roe, bait and use as food. It is available fresh or salted.


Other names: Kara Herring, California Herring, Eastern Herring
Translations: Klusā Siļķe, Ramiojo vandenyno silkė, Heringul de Pacific, Herring Thái Bình Dương, Śledź Pacyfiku, Stille Haring, प्रशांत हेरिंग, Pacífico Herring, Тихоокеанской сельди, Ρέγγα του Ειρηνικού, المحيط الهادئ الرنغة, 태평양 헤링, Sleď tichomořský, Herring Pasifik, 太平洋鲱鱼, Areng del Pacífic, Pacifický sleď, Aringa del Pacifico, השקט הרינג, Pacific Sill, Атлантиц Харинга, 太平洋ニシン, Du hareng du Pacifique, Pacific Sild, Arenque del Pacífico, Тихоокеанської оселедця, Tyynenmerensilli, Тихо херинга



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