Honey Boat Delicata Squash


One of the sweetest squash varieties in existance. Oblong, Delicata shaped squash have tan skin with green stripes. Fantastic roasted on a cookie sheet in half moon slices. Halve the squash, scoop out the seeds, then slice into half moons and bake for 10 minutes on each side at 425 degrees.


Other names: Honey Boat Squash
Translations: Medus Laivu Delicata Skvošs, Medus Valčių Delicata Skvošo, Miere cu barca Delicata Squash, Med Boat Delicata Squash, Honey Thuyền Delicata Squash, Łódź Honey Squash Delicata, Honey Boot Delicata Squash, शहद नाव Delicata स्क्वैश, Honey Squash Delicata Boat, Мед Бот Деликата Сквош, Μέλι Squash Delicata Σκάφος, الاسكواش العسل قارب Delicata, 허니 보트 Delicata 스쿼시, Honey Lodní Delicata Squash, Honey Perahu Delicata Squash, 蜂蜜南瓜船德利卡塔, Vaixell Mel Delicate esquaix, Honey Lodné Delica Squash, Miele Barca Squash Delicata, Delicata האני סירה סקווש, Honey Båt Delicata Squash, Мед Брод Делицата сквош, 蜂蜜ボートデリカタスカッシュ, Squash miel Delicata bateau, Honey Båt Delicata Squash, Barco Miel Delicata squash, Мед Бот делікатний Сквош, Скъпа Скуош лодка Delicata

Physical Description

The skin is striped in color once it is ripe. It weighs less than one pound.

Colors: Light green with black stripes on the outside, yellow on the inside

Tasting Notes

Flavors: Light, sweet, nutty
Mouthfeel: Soft, Sweet, Smooth
Wine complements: Cabernet sauvignon
Substitutes: Pumpkin, Sugar squash, Sweet dumpling squash

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Peak: august, september, opctober
Choosing: Look for squash that have a hard rind and a deep color.
Procuring: Do not plant this squash until the soil is warm and there is no danger of frost. Plant seed 1 inch deep, with 4-5 seeds per group. Plant in rows 8 feet apart. Keep free of weeds.

Preparation and Use

A simple paring knife or vegetable peeler can be used to peel it. Most recipes suggest cutting the squash in half lengthwise. To cook it, bake at 350 degrees for a minimum of 30 minutes. Cut out the inside and mash, or serve whole or in pieces, then drizzle with olive oil.

Cleaning: Scrub the outside to remove any soil or pesticides. Cut off the stem end

Conserving and Storing

Squash can be stored for 3-6 months in 45-50 degrees. At room temperature, the time is cut to 1.5 to 3 months. The squash can be frozen either before or after cooking. Leave 1/2 inch for head room and place in freezer containers or bags. Frozen squash can be stored for a maximum of one year.

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