Creamline Milk
Milk that has not been homogenized and still has the separate cream on top. It may or may not be pasteurized.
Other names: Cream-top
Translations: Creamline Piens, Creamline Pienas, Lapte Creamline, Creamline Mlijeko, Creamline sữa, Mleko Creamline, Creamline Melk, Creamline दूध, Leite Creamline, Creamline молока, Creamline Γάλα, Creamline الحليب, Creamline 우유, Creamline Mléko, Creamline Susu, Creamline牛奶, Llet Creamline, Creamline Mlieko, Creamline Latte, חלב Creamline, Creamline Mjölk, Цреамлине млека, Creamlineミルク, Creamline Lait, Creamline Milch, Creamline Mælk, Leche Creamline, Creamline молока, Creamline Maito, Creamline Мляко
Physical Description
A high-fat cream layer is on top, with a creamy white texture. The fat in the milk tends to form into clusters containing about a million globules, held together by a number of minor whey proteins.
Colors: Thick, creamy white
Tasting Notes
Flavors: Less creamy, but less of a bland flavor.
Mouthfeel: Will taste creamy in the mouth.
Food complements: Most any food that is eaten with regular milk, And even foods that are sweeter.
Wine complements: Not recommended with wine, Unless the wine has a particularly sweet taste.
Beverage complements: Mix with sweeter beverages.
Substitutes: Other types of milk, Like homogenized types.
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: The composition of milk differs widely between species. Factors such as the type of protein; the proportion of protein, fat, and sugar; the levels of various vitamins and minerals; and the size of the butterfat globules and the strength of the curd are among those than can vary.
Buying: You can purchase creamline milk online from various websites such as "Moo-ville" or "Local Farm"
Procuring: Jersey cows produce the richest milk of all the major dairy breeds. Milk from Jersey cows has more protein and calcium than any other milk on today's market.
Preparation and Use
Cleaning: It is unhomogenized, which means it could be more attune to containing bacteria.
Conserving and Storing
Best method is refrigeration. The exposed fat globules are briefly vulnerable to certain enzymes present in milk, which could break down the fats and produce rancid flavors. To prevent this, the enzymes are inactivated by pasteurizing the milk immediately before or during homogenization.