Saga Cheese
Saga is a light blue cheese, very similar to Brie with an edible, white mold rind. It is a cow's milk cheese invented in Denmark by the cheese-making Tholstrup family but is now also made in the US.
Translations: Sāga Siers, Saga Sūriai, Saga Brânză, Saga sira, Saga Kaas, सागा पनीर, Saga de Queijo, Сага сыра, Saga Τυρί, الملحمة الجبن, 사가 치즈, Saga Sýry, Saga Keju, 佐贺奶酪, Saga Formatge, Saga Sir, Saga Syry, Saga di formaggio, סאגה גבינה, Saga Ost, Сага сир, 佐賀チーズ, Saga fromage, Cheese Saga, Saga ost, Saga Queso, Сага сиру, Saga Juusto, Сага сирене