Elephant Garlic
The pungent, large-cloved bulb of the elephant garlic plant. Though the flavor and appearance is similar to garlic, though milder and sweeter (making it excellent for serving raw), elephant garlic is actually a member of the leek family.
Translations: Elephant Ķiploki, Dramblys Česnakai, Elephant Usturoi, Slon češnjak, Elephant tỏi, Słoń Czosnek, Olifant Knoflook, हाथी लहसुन, Elephant Alho, Слон Чеснок, Ελέφαντας Σκόρδα, الثوم الفيل, 코끼리 마늘, Slon Česnek, Gajah Bawang putih, Elephant Bawang, 大象大蒜, All Elefant, Slon Česen, Slon Cesnak, Elephant Aglio, הפיל שום, Elephant Vitlök, Слон чешњак, エレファントガーリック, Elephant ail, Elephant Knoblauch, Elephant Hvidløg, Ajo Elefante, Слон Часник, Elephant Valkosipuli, Слонски чесън
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Garlic