Orange Bergamot Mint
While some may claim that Orange Bergamot Mint is not appropriate for cooking, some claim that they have used its citrus smell and mint flavor to add exotic appeal to their hot chocolate. It is a strongly aromatic mint that has a slight orange flavor to it.
Other names: Mentha piperita var. citrata, marsh mint, vilayati-pudina, Bergamot Mint, Mentha citrata, lemon mint, Orange Mint
Translations: Orange Bergamotes Mint, Orange bergamočių Mint, Orange Bergamot mentă, Orange bergamot Mint, Cam Bergamot Mint, Bardzo dobry Bergamot Orange, Orange Bergamot Munt, Bergamot नारंगी टकसाल, Orange Mint Bergamota, Оранжевый мята, Πορτοκαλί Νομισματοκοπείο περγαμόντου, البرتقالي برغموت منت, 오렌지 베르가못 민트, Orange Bergamot mincovna, Orange Mint bergamot, 橙佛手柑薄荷, Bergamota Taronja Casa de la Moneda, Orange bergamotko Mint, Orange Bergamot mincovňa, Bergamotto menta, אורנג 'מנטה Bergamot, Наранџаста Бергамот Нана, オレンジベルガモットミント, Monnaie Bergamote Orange, Bergamotte Orange Mint, Bergamota Naranja Casa de la Moneda, Помаранчевий м'ята, Orange бергамот мента
Physical Description
Small lavender flowers sprout in the summertime, and the leaves are slender and ovate or elliptical shaped with small thick terminal spikes. It may also grow up to three feet.
Colors: green leaves, with multicolored flowers such as purple, scarlett, and bronze shades.
Tasting Notes
Flavors: minty, citrus, fruity, balanced, sweet
Mouthfeel: Minty, Fresh
Food complements: Fish dishes, Lamb dishes, Salads
Wine complements: Chartreuse liqueur
Beverage complements: Iced beverages, Iced tea, Earl grey tea
Substitutes: Herbs
Selecting and Buying
Choosing: Look for the brightly colored flowers, and the leaves after the flowering of the plant. Avoid leaves with rust or mildew on it.
Buying: Available in most farmer's markets, grocery stores,etc.
Procuring: The sun and type of soils affect the plant growth. The methods of root divisions are the best way for growing these plants, but it can also be grown with the cutting method. The roots which are moving away from the plant are extracted and the small plants can be transplanted anywhere. It thrives on thick, moist, and well drained soils, but can also survive in areas of shade. It requires high fertility of the soil, such as manure.
Preparation and Use
The leaves and flowers can be used for many purposes, such as flavoring tea, desserts, iced beverages, fish and lamb dishes, jellies, salads, and sauces. The oil derived from the mint has a perfume-y aroma, and is used in perfumes, soaps, colognes, bath teas, and masks.
Cleaning: Wash the leaves thoroughly, as if a salad, if used to add to a dish or beverage.