Russet Potato
A starchy potato often used for baking and deep-frying.
Other names: Russet Arcadia, Russet Norkotah, Idaho Potato, Butte Potato, Baking Potato, Old Potato, Russet Burbank
Translations: Rūsgans Kartupeļu, Russet bulvės, Roscat de cartofi, Crvenkastosmeđ krumpir, Mộc mạc khoai tây, Russet ziemniaków, Russet Aardappel, लाल सा आलू, Batata Russet, Рассет картофеля, Κοκκινόμαυρος πατάτας, اللون الخمري البطاطس, 적갈색 감자, Červenohnědé brambory, Kentang Russet, Pulang kayumanggi patatas, 拉塞特马铃薯, Russet Papa, Crvenka krompirja, Červenohnedé zemiaky, Ruggine della patata, אדמדם תפוחי אדמה, Russet Potatis, Црвенка кромпир, ラポテト, Russet, Rotbraun Potato, Russet Papa, Рассет картоплі, Punaruskea Peruna, Шаячен картофи
Physical Description
Oval shaped with a brown, net-like skin.
Colors: Brown with dark brown "eyes"
Tasting Notes
Flavors: Salty
Mouthfeel: Hard if uncooked, Very soft if cooked
Food complements: Sour cream, Cheese, Butter
Wine complements: White wines
Beverage complements: Tea, Soda
Substitutes: Idaho potato, Burbank potato
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Peak: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: Look for potatoes that are fully brown. Avoid those that might have greenish spots on them.
Buying: Russet Potatoes are widely available in any grocery store in the produce department.
Procuring: Russet Potatoes are grown in the the ground.
Preparation and Use
French fries, boiled, and cooked. Goes excellently with sour cream. Most often a side dish.
Cleaning: Rinse the russet potatoes before eating or preparing.
Conserving and Storing
Store russet potatoes in a cool dark place. Throw away any potatoes that may have developed any green spots.