Tilapia is a freshwater fish and is considered as one of the top five most consumed seafood in the US because of it's mild tasting meat which makes it very versatile and open to different ways of preparing it.
The outer skin of the Tilapia varies from black with white scales to pinkish red. The meat is white, firm and mildly sweet in flavor similar to catfish.
Tilapia can be prepared by baking, broiling, grilling, frying, poaching, or steaming.
Translations: Τιλάπια, البلطي, テラピア, Cá rô phi, אמנון, Тилапии, Тілапії, 罗非鱼, Тилапиа, Tilàpia
Physical Description
Colors: Grey, White (meat)
Tasting Notes
Food complements: Mayonnaise
Wine complements: Red wine
Substitutes: Trout, Rockfish, Striped bass, Catfish
Selecting and Buying
Buying: Only buy freshly harvested Tilapia.
Conserving and Storing
Tilapia can be stored in freezer for a maximum of two weeks.