Moose Milk
Milk from the Moose, relatively high in butterfat and popular in Russia and Sweden. While is is possible to produce cheese from moose milk, it is difficult due to the milk's high protein concentration.
Other names: Elk Milk
Translations: Aļņa Piens, Briedis Pienas, Moose Lapte, Moose mlijeka, Moose sữa, Moose mleka, Moose दूध, Муз молока, موس الحليب, 무스 밀크, Moose mléko, Moose Susu, 驼鹿奶, Moos Llet, Moose Mleko, Moose mlieko, Moose Latte, מוס חלב, Moose Mjölk, Лос млека, ムースミルク, Moosemilk, Moose Mælk, Moose Leche, Муз молока, Moose Maito, Лос Мляко
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Goat milk