January 17, 2012

Over the weekend, we reported on the rumors that Paula Deen has Type 2 diabetes, and the affable Southern chef confirmed those rumors in a prepared statement. As we originally reported, Deen is endorsing a major Type 2 diabetes medication -- Victoza by Novo Nordisk -- on her website and in a new initiative called Diabetes in a New Light.
"I'm excited to team up with Novo Nordisk on this initiative to show others that managing diabetes does not have to stop you from enjoying the things you love," said Paula Deen. Are you pleased that Deen is using her diagnosis to raise awareness?
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January 17, 2012
I would hope that she would use this opportunity to educate people on how to manage diabetes using your diet rather than medication, given that she is a cook by trade. It would be a shame to give people the idea that you can get a diagnosis like diabetes and just blow it off and take some medication instead of dealing with the issue.
January 20, 2012
Ms. Dean has been a cook for most of her life and had diabetes for the past three years. She could have used that time to educate and build awareness; rather, she hid this and continued to make some of the unhealthiest food seen in a country known for unhealthy food. Only making an acknowledgement of her diabetes after receiving a multi-million dollar endorsement from Novo-Nordisk makes her motives seem calculating, callow and crass. As singularly focused on making money rather than offering any real help, guidance or insight for the millions of diabetes sufferers in this country.
January 17, 2012
Yes absolutely! This is an epidemic in our country and any support and awareness can only be beneficial!
January 17, 2012
Yes absolutely! This is an epidemic in our country and any support and awareness can only be beneficial!