Question: What Is The Best Method For Cooking A Pot Roast

December 30, 2009


Anonymous's picture

Season meat, and brown on the stove. Cook meat in the oven in a roasting pan along with vegetables. Add liquid of your choice, cover, and cook on low for 2 hours. Add vegetables, and cook for 30 to 45 minutes!

Linda Owens's picture

Braising is the best method for cooking a pot roast.
Sear the roast in a pot over high heat on all sides.
Reduce the heat, cover the roast with water and bring to a simmer.
Cover pot and simmer over low heat approximately 1 hour per pound.

Bryan Szeliga's picture

Pot roast should be created with low cost, low fat meats. Chuck is a great braising meat. (braise is the cooking technique used to create a pot roast). Method: Braise
Time 1-3 hours

Make a stock: purchase bones from the local grocery store, place in cold water 2 inches above the bones and bring almost to a boil. Drain the water and rinse the bones. Place the bones back in the pot and cover with ice water 2 inches above the bones and bring to a light boil, skim the top film and turn down to a simmer. Add 1 each carrot, onion (I don't like celery except in Veg stock-or you could add celery here) cut into as small of slices as you can make. Simmer for 2-3 hours. strain liquid and reserve, toss the bones and veg.

Cut vegetables into 1/4 to 1/2 inch squares: I use celery root, carrots, onion, and mushrooms. For the mushrooms, slice and then saute in grapeseed oil, salt, pepper, thyme and set aside.

Cut the bacon: Get thick cut bacon from a high end grocery and cut into the size from the last nuckle to the tip of your pinky. This is called a lardon.

Cube meat into roughly 1 inch squares. Season Flour with salt and pepper and lightly cover the meat with the seasoned flower.

Gather about 2 T of Tomato Paste and 1 bottle of burgundy wine.

Now that mise en place is complete begin cooking.

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Once the pan is almost smoking hot add enough grape seed oil to lightly cover the bottom of the pan. Place the cubes of meat in the pan sear until there is a nice dark brown color on the meat and rotate to sear all sides, do not over crowd the pan and do in multiple batches if need. Remove from pan and place in your pot that will go into the oven.

In the same hot pan add the bacon and cook for about 1-2 minutes then add carrots, onion and celery and sweat for about 2-3 minutes. Add tomato paste and mix. Then add the bottle of wine and reduce until only about 1/2 to 3/4 of a C of liquid remains. Add the mushrooms and cook for 1 minute. Pour the hot beef stock and above vegetable liquid into the pot, cover and cook at 325 for 1-3 hours depending on the size of the batch. Remove when the meat falls off a pearing knife when pierced.

Serve that day or keep in the frig for up to 5 days. Reheat in saute pan on stove top.