Why Don't We Just Eat Invasive Species We Need to Get Rid Of?

July 10, 2011


It's an idea so simple, it makes you wonder why no one's already thought of it. Take pressure off ocean stocks of fish by eating invasive species like Florida's lionfish.

Humans are the most ubiquitous predators on earth,” said Philip Kramer, director of the Caribbean program for the Nature Conservancy. “Instead of eating something like shark fin soup, why not eat a species that is causing harm, and with your meal make a positive contribution?”

Invasive species are a problem across the globe. Asian carp in the Mississippi and other fish could be managed by commerical fishing. 

What do you think about eating invasive species? Good or lame idea? 


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Rochel @ barefootandcooking's picture

Definitely an interesting and thought-provoking. As a definite non-vegetarian, I think I would be all for eating invasive species to protect native wildlife.