Daregal Fresh Frozen Herbs

February 5, 2009

I am constantly buying fresh herbs in those expensive plastic clam shell packs, especially in the winter. And, unfortunately, I usually end up throwing most of them away because I don't use them quickly enough. At $2.50 - $4.00 or more a pack that's a huge waste of money! Then, I was recently introduced to Daregal, a French company that has specialized in herbs since 1887.  What's special about their herbs is that they are all-natural - no preservatives or salt - and frozen fresh within 3 hours of picking. Since herbs lose 75% of their flavor within 24 hours, then sit on the supermarket shelves losing even more flavor, it's great to have a fresh-from-the-garden option.

Fresh Frozen From France - say that ten times fast!

We have a selection of both Greens and Blends and have loved them all, tasting and smelling as if I just picked them from my yard. The herbs come in convenient shakers that fit perfectly two-deep in your freezer door. Thawing isn't necessary, you just toss (or shake) the already washed and stemmed chopped bits into your dishes. They are ever-so-lightly (you can't even tell) coated with vegetable oil to preserve freshness and so the leaves won't stick together. We've used them all: the basil and oregano in countless Italian dishes, the parsley sprinkled in soups, the cilantro in Vietnamese salad rolls (even frozen, as it quickly thaws!), and I mix the Blends with yogurt to make delicious herb dips and sauces (delicious on chicken or meats!).

Leave it to the French to come up with an awesome culinary idea! Since my herb garden failed miserably last year here in Seattle I'm making sure my freezer is well stocked year-round with these herbs. They certainly have saved me money, too! No more tossing out those wilted, slimy store bought ones.

I haven't found them in any stores here in Seattle, but you can order them online.



Michele's picture

That's very interesting. I know trader joe's sends some frozen herbs as well but I haven't tried them yet. Actually, i was just telling someone that i have a ton of frozen parsley in the freezer. My boyfriends mom had a huge plant and it just kept on growing. I wish I would have dried some of it because I don't know what to do with all this parsley. I usually use parsley fresh. Any ideas?

jsalvati's picture

Please tell us if you ever find it in Seattle.

Barnaby Dorfman's picture

Chimichurri! By far the best thing I know to do with parsley: http://www.foodista.com/recipe/6FWHXHG4/chimichurri

The Daregel herbs are different than the ones from Trader Joe's in that they are chopped and frozen separately vs. the little cubes of minced and frozen herbs at TJ's.

Britt's picture

Super useful post. Thanks!

Charles Ravndal's picture

This is really informative since my herb plants usually die during winter and yes since I usually forget to take them inside the house.

Cynthia's picture

Thanks for the tip on frozen herbs! I have that same problem with buying those expensive herbs in the clamshell packs. I live in an apartment and don' t have a garden, and I haven't been able to successfully plant herbs on my balcony or windowsill either. These frozen herbs will save me tons of money, thank you so much!

carla's picture

So do you just use a little then pop the rest back into the freezer before it has time to thaw?

Liz's picture

I so often find that I need "that special herb" but don't have it, so plan to stock up on these. I hope they offer lemon thyme, one of my faves with lamb. And Carla, I expect the vegetable oil will help the unused ones stay frozen.

Miss Shell's picture

You can use parsley as a substitute for basil and make a "winter" pesto - it's kind of refresshing

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