I have a crazy addiction to Cholula hot sauce. I put it on eggs, liberally sprinkled over cheesy...
Check out this appetizer that will satisfy a crowd at your next Super Bowl party. Easy to make...
The classic finger food, these stuffed Mozzarella Meatballs are made the old fashioned way. No...
We all love Buffalo chicken wings for Game Day, but how about making something just as tasty and...
Check out this amazing recipe for Carne Asada Fries that I just found. Juicy steak and all the...
In honor of the day of testosterone, also known as Super Bowl Sunday, why not break out the grill...
When you think football party, no doubt chicken wings come to mind but lets be honest, making wings...
Generally speaking, I'm not a football fan. But here in Seattle I screamed as loud as the rest...
Serve a platter of these amazing Thai Red Curry Butter Wings at your Super Bowl party, and...
This easy bean and cheese dip is so addictive you won't be able to stop at just one chip! This...
Self-proclaimed "wings fanatic" Jimmy Fallon hosted Chef Danny Bowien, the man behind...
These chicken and waffles on a stick are the perfect gameday treat! This fun appetizer recipe from...
If it were possible to read with your eyes closed I’d start this one with “close your eyes and...
Looking for tasty appetizer recipes for your game day party? You'll definitely get cheers from...
The perfect snack is one that you can eat with one hand and tastes like your favorite comfort food...
They sound crazy but Dunkin Cooking the Semi-Homemade Way swears her deep fried pickles are OMG...
Legendary singer Stevie Wonder teamed up with actress Zoe Saldana for Bud Light's Super Bowl...
I always loved these since I first ate them close to 40 years ago when a co-worker and my adoptive...
No appetizer spread is complete without a good guacamole, and we particularly like Chef George...
Kick up your Cajun heels and and get your game face on for Super Bowl Sunday in New Orleans. ...