Tamarind Prawn or Assam Prawn ( 亚参虾 ) is a spicy, sourish and extremely appetizing dish in the...
Extreme Pepper Chunky Chili satisfies the chunky and spicy crowd. Filled with lots of beef, beans...
Zucchini burger made with spicy Sriracha and topped with crispy pancetta. A great way to use up all...
Want some eggs? Want to make them fast but not skimp out on the flavor? Check it (this serves 1...
Low carb and gluten free spicy cheesy poppers. Perfect for your next cookout!
Sometimes the simplest things are the best. Just potatoes, spices and a nice dipping sauce, maybe a...
These mini taco cups are cute as a button and packed with flavour
A light and refreshing glass noodle Thai salad with the delicious flavors of sour, spicy, salty,...
Roasted Garlic White Cheese Pizza w/ Arugula Salad. A simple pizza loaded with a spicy white sauce...
You could just open a bag of pretzels and get to snacking OR you could make these fabulous Sweet...
The spicy broth, melt in the mouth soft tofu and fresh seafood make this a delectable comfort food.
Tangy spicy and super super delicious carrots!
One Bowl Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread. It’s spicy, moist, and only needs one bowl! Honey topping...
Gamja Tang 101: Originating in Jeollannam-do (southwest province of Korea), this is a traditional...
If you've non-Asian friends coming over for a meal, it's perfect for entertaining them...
Spicy Kimchi Stew w Pork made the traditional way. Great for the colder weather months and a...
Gochu Jeon (Stuffed Chili Peppers): It’s been a while since I made one of the many kinds of Korean...
Chicken tenders are a classic comfort food that are made even better when drizzled with a homemade...