In order to get the best out of this recipe, try to get fresh squid, as frozen ones lack in taste...
A classic Italian dish with an Asian twist. Add tofu or meat to make this an entree.
Can substitute 1 1/2 cups canned chickpeas to reduce cooking time. From The Art of Jewish Cooking...
Comments: In Iran, there are as many as five different types of rice (berenj). Since Iranian...
NOTES: There are probably as many ways to make jambalaya as there are Creole cooks, and it's one...
This is a magnificent rice dish made more delicious with meaty morsels of fried aubergine....
A great recipe for making with kids, and a delicious use for leftover rice.
Biryani is a form of rice pilaf from northern India. It is a treasure chest of vegetables, spices...
The finished risotto should be creamy, with a little chewiness at the center of the rice.