This is a healthy, yet very delicious salad that my mom has made for many years. This is the same...
In order to get the best out of this recipe, try to get fresh squid, as frozen ones lack in taste...
Apples and caramel - a combination I could never ever resist! And the walnuts, raisins and...
Autumn is not arrived yet if you haven’t had a slice of castagnaccio. It’s the cake of our...
A friend of mine that is vegan asked me to make her an eggless raisin cake. After a few trials,...
Ahhh! If you could have only smelled these apples as they were baking! The aroma filled the...
Chef Jeff Nathan, owner/Chef of Abigael's on Broadway, just a few blocks off Manhattan's theater...
A lovely dinner salad, even the most “meat-n-potatoes” guy can appreciate!
A no-fail one-bowl cake that will not disappoint! Adapted from Betty Crocker.
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