If there is anyone out there that still thinks Gluten-Free means Taste-Free, this recipe should put...
Bailey's mousse pie from Erica's Sweet Tooth is an Irish inspired dessert. An Oreo...
A rich, sexy dessert; Ginger White Chocolate Pumpkin Mousse is spicy and sweet, perfect for a...
Chocolate mousse in a chocolate shell is an irresistible dessert. This simple but satisfying...
Alton Brown Chocolate Mousse recipe piped into chocolate shells for a decadent dessert. Look for...
This decadent chocolate mousse pie is a diabetes friendly dessert. These days, it is wise to...
These little brownies are topped with decadent cherry mousse. Just the right size for that perfect...
Just when you thought I was done yammering away about the wonders of cranberries, here I go again...
This is a heavenly dessert, perfect for a bit of a fancy change from pumpkin pie. Of course, in my...
Fall is the season for brown and buttery hazelnuts. They are wonderful in soup, salad,...
Honestly, who (food allergie/intolerances aside) doesn't like chocolate? I'm pretty sure I...
Mousse is a luxurious dessert that can make any night of the week feel special. These recipes...
We've got two reasons to indulge today: it's Bastille Day and National Grand Marnier Day....
Recipe taken and adapted from Le cordon Bleu "Professional baking guide"
Excellent served as a side salad on a bed of lightly dressed fresh greens, or serve as an...