Serve with rice and top with sour cream or guacamole.
This is a Ball Fresh Preserving recipe.
Rub the seasonings on chicken, beef, pork and fish; bake or barbecue.
Making salsa does not get any easier than this recipe. If you are not a cook, then this recipe is...
Fall is here and the arrival of persimmons is worth celebrating. I did not even know about this...
Experience authentic Mexican flavor with this award-winning recipe. A family favorite created by...
Growing up we always knew the fall and winter meant lots of sweet and tasty treats we call...
Mexican cuisines has some superb variety of flavor rich dishes from Enchilada’s, Taco’s ,Tostadas...
Created for a anniversary party and paired with seafood quesedillas http://www.what-about-the-...
I am a real California Girl. Well, not in the blonde, surfery, tan sort of way that people in far-...
1. You can substitute 1 T chili powder for chipotle powder if you don't have it or worry about it...
These babies are extremely versatile. They make perfect little party bites, but could also be made...
I LOVE guacamole (without raw onions of course), but I like it a bit spicier than regular guac....
This recipe is a time saver on TWO levels. One, if you were going to make traditional tamales,...
Got some salsa but don’t know what else to do with it besides eat it with Tostitos? This is a...