Jalapeño Portobello "Steak" Wraps, Vegan with Beef Steak Option. Mushroom season is here...
Pot pie is undeniably in the Top 10 American comfort foods: golden, flaky pie crust, fresh...
Whether it's 105F or -5F, curry is truly an all-seasons food. In the summer heat, hot and spicy...
Perfect for holiday entertaining, vegetarian dishes can easily fill many roles! Depending on...
Thanksgiving entertaining can feel like an increasingly daunting task! With the Big Day only two...
I am an omnivore. The meat is from my own farm, and I do my best to treat it well, but make no...
What better way to celebrate the end of summer than with allergy friendly meals? These amazing...
Spaghetti squash is one of nature's most versatile foods! Both a pseudo-starch with a...
Never one for chopped liver (even masquerading beneath French names like foie gras), vegetarian...
One of my all-time favorite foods, combining two key food groups ('fried things' and '...
Celebrate Meatless Monday with these fantastic, savory recipes for lunch or dinner! Excellent...
With only 5 ingredients, this recipe is simple and incredibly elegant - not to mention tasty!...
A wonderful way to prepare eggs with fresh mushrooms and Parmesan cheese. Very easy to prepare.
Even if you don't have a ready need for EP, you can always go ahead and complete the dredge and...
This is my new favorite thing to do with brown rice. In fact, it's the only thing I've ever really...
I know I may be repeating myself here, but I promise, this time, it's for real. If you eat the...