Nothing says fall like a bowl of warm honey roasted butternut squash soup from Bananamondaes....
Sunflower seed and honey granola bars are a tasty snack to make for the kids (and yourself). ...
These Madeleines are a bit on a dry side but the texture was soft because of yoghurt added and had...
Peach milkshake is a blend of peach, strawberries and apple juice which makes for a little more...
Baklava is Eastern Mediterranean sweet that is absolutely delicious. Phyllo (paper thin...
Serve with the chicken strips and red bell pepper salad. This all goes together so well. With Love...
These honey oat bran muffins are a tasty breakfast. Packed with flavor and nutrition, these...
This is a lovely salad to make with ripe peaches. It is fresh and perfect for any picnic. With...
Today was a perfect day. I had a great night sleep, great morning, great day. Since all the stars...
These homemade cinnamon-honey graham crackers from A Cup of Sugar...A Pinch of Salt a bursting with...
The pork recipe is a combination of two recipes from old Italian cook books, modified to suit our...
This is a very good side dish. With Love, Catherine xo
Balsamic-honey glazed salmon is the answer to tonight's most important question, what's...
Ahhh choo!! This 'kasutera bug' has been spreading all over the food blogosphere...
Asparagus season has arrived and this recipe for honey and garlic glazed roasted asparagus is...
This is a great tasting chicken, for any night of the week. With Love, Catherine
Bananas in a blanket from Fruit and Vegetables More Matters are a fruity snack perfect for kids....
Sugar free and gluten free cut-out cookies, perfect to make as a gift for someone!
Homemade Gatorade from Katy She Cools has no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. This...