Last week, Foodista shared some delicious slow cooker chicken recipes and now we are back with...
In case you missed it, this week Foodista has been serving up easy recipes to prepare in the slow...
Pasta e fagioli (pasta and beans) is the Italian version of chili mac. Small circular...
Nothing quite says fall quite like a warm bowl of chili and a freshly baked piece of cornbread on a...
There are plenty of ways to enjoy the familiar flavors of a cheeseburger besides in between a bun...
The the weather begins to cool, we start crave foods that make you feel cozy inside. ...
Aloo Gobi, or potato and cauliflower curry, is a quick and easy Indian dish that you're family...
The slow cooker can be your very best friend on busy weeknights. While your preoccupied with...
Southwest chicken wraps are a quick and easy meal that can be on the table in less than twenty...
Sandwiches are a quick and easy dinner that the whole family will love. I'm not talking...
There's no denying that homemade chicken pot pie is a luxury that most of us cannot prepare on...
This blackened shrimp recipe is easy to whip up in just minutes. It's excellent served with...
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