September 4, 2011

I get it, really. There is a romantic notion that cowboys ride up in a cloud of dust, throw...

August 26, 2011

This recipe is simple to make, yet tastes extravagant. Use pears that are really ripe for best...

August 24, 2011

We have a pear tree in my mother in law's house that grows the best tasting pears. One year, it...

August 23, 2011

With the kids back in school, it is more important than ever to get meals organized. Many of us...

August 20, 2011

The summer has given up, and fall is in the air. Days around here are still hot enough to be...

August 20, 2011
Cherry tomatoes

One thing about cherry tomatoes, we usually only see them in a salad. That is too bad, because...

August 17, 2011
Tomato Harvest

The tomatoes are in their full glory right now. It seems that I can go out twice a day to pick them...

August 4, 2011

This time of year, we eat out of the garden. That means if you don't like eggplant, you may...

July 18, 2011

Wake up your campers with the scent of this Peach Rice Pudding cooking on the stove. It sounds...

July 6, 2011
Chicken soup

Chicken soup is just the perfect thing when you are sick. Tonight, I added some spice to ours,...
