The Moscow Mule was created in the 1940s and served in specially engraved copper mugs in an attempt...
If you like to top rich ice cream with fruit, stuff fruit between layers of moist and fluffy cake...
This winter cocktail from Three Many Cooks captures one of the better parts of winter — the...
Chocolate martini fans will love this dark chocolate raspberry vodka cocktail. It's vibrant red...
This perfect-for-fall rum cocktail recipe is like a spiced apple pie in a glass! Spiced rum is...
Capture the flavors of fall with this tasty pumpkin cocktail recipe. Ditch the pumpkin latte and...
We simply love this summertime twist on the Long Island Iced Tea cocktail. It features a blend of...
Go to the next level with this twist on an old bourbon favorite using meat as a surprising and...
A unique and delicious souffle can be made from the decadent blackberry! Blackberry Souffle...
Today is National Rum Day, so let's celebrate with these tasty rum-based cocktails from the...
Prepare for the upcoming fall weather with this Apple Cider Sangria from How Sweet It Is. Made with...
Today is National Tequila Day and to celebrate we're sharing a recipe for the ultimate Tequila...
Cool off from the summer heat with Watermelon Spritzers. Bev Cooks found a great way to beat the...
Blueberries are in peak season and we're tossing these little blue gems into everything from...
Here is a perfect saturday night summer cocktail, a refreshing watermelon and cucumber "skinny...
This deliciously silky cocktail features Watershed Distillery's Bourbon Barrel Gin, a micro-...
This unique cocktail recipe features 100% midwestern corn micro-distilled vodka that is quadruple-...
The Daisy Cocktail is one of the original cocktails, a combination of base spirit (rum, gin,...
Jazz up your Memorial weekend with a refreshing gin cocktail! These cocktail recipes all feature...