Caramel Banana Poke Muffins are RIDICULOUSLY moist, delicious and loaded with pockets of sweet...
Upside down pumpkin cake is very soft, moist, full of walnuts and spices with tender caramel...
These Rolo Cupcakes are a a very easy bake, so why not give your chocolate cupcake a rolo make-over
There is nothing quite as perfect as the contrast between sweet and salty in a dessert. This...
Salted caramel doughnuts have a special place in my heart. There is nothing like a freshly...
If you are an avid cook, you understand the draw of a great recipe. It tempts you ...
No mother is going to turn away breakfast in bed, especially if caramelized French toast is on the...
Chocolate and peppermint, chocolate and caramel, and chocolate and beer are all popular flavor...
For all those Valentine's Day procrastinators, we have got you covered with an array of easy...
Soft and chewy salted lavender caramels are the best homemade gift anyone can receive. The...
Chocolate caramel cupcakes are a sweet and salty treat anyone can bake. Decadent chocolate...
This Caramel Banana Cake Roll is a light version to the typical cake roll. With a light and fluffy...
The perfect snack for your Superbowl festivities has to be handheld, flavorful, and make enough of...
This Fudge Pie with Salted Caramel Sauce will tingle the “everything is wonderful” center in your...
A delicious chocolatey, salty crust with a super sweet toffee filling covering banana surprise!
Homemade treats are wonderful gifts that anyone can appreciate. It's so much fun to make sweet...
You can't go to Thanksgiving Dinner and not bring a gift! These are so easy, so quick, and so...
Caramel apple trifle is an easy dessert you can whip together in under 30 minutes. This...
Whether you prefer Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Pink Lady or Gala, fall is all about the apples....