DIY marinated feta is a delicious addition to your antipasto platter. Chunks of salty feta...
Goat cheese is creamy, tangy, and absolutely delicious with just about anything. Luckily for...
This DIY tutorial from The View of the Great Island shows you how to make rainbow sprinkles in your...
The Homemade Gin Kit provides everything you'll need to make this aromatic spirit, you just...
You'll never have to buy marshmallow fluff again once you learn how to make it in your own...
Thai curry paste is one spice blend every cook should have in their pantry. This DIY recipe...
DIY sriracha from Blue Kale Road is a homemade hot sauce that you won't soon forget. The...
If you have been to Chick-fil-A, you have no doubt tried their famous sauce. It is a mild...
If you a looking for a last minute gift, matzoh brittle is an easy, inexpensive and delicious...
There are a hundred recipes for chocolate turtles and this one is especially easy. The...
Rum balls are a classic Christmas time treat. This candy is so simple to make and so popular...
Cinnamon sugar pecans are an easy edible gift to make for your loved ones. Pecan halves are...
Salted caramel pretzel bark from Princess in the Kitchen is an addicting homemade treat. This...
The IPA brewing kit will teach you to craft your own beer. Each kit comes complete with all...
Sabrina Sue shares one of her favorite holiday gift ideas with Foodista readers. Her homemade...
Mulled wine kits by Livia Sweets are a boozy gift for the wine lovers in your life. Red...
Fresh 4 Five shares the recipe for their homemade holiday pomegranate molasses. Fresh...
Homemade apple pie infused bourbon from Ying Mom Yang Mom is the perfect gift for the booze lovers...
The mozzarella cheese kit is a gift for the DIY foodie. Roaring Brook Dairy has put together...
Homemade bitters add a splash of flavor to any cocktail. In recent years, along with the...