Butternut squash and carrot soup is the perfect first course to your Thanksgiving meal. We...
Nothing beats freshly baked rolls, especially around the holidays. You can use a standard...
Green bean and bacon casserole is a twist on the classic Thanksgiving side dish. Instead of...
Fudge turkeys from Hungry Happenings double as dessert and Thanksgiving decorations. The...
Potatoes are a must on Thanksgiving. While mashed potatoes are delicious, this year try...
With Thanksgiving around the corner, we figured it would be helpful to put together a short ...
It must be that time of year again; when I start digging out all my homemade food gift recipes. It...
Starbucks has officially marked the beginning of the holidays by offering their customers a bogo...
Vegan wheat berry and roasted butternut squash stuffing from FEED Body & Soul is a Thanksgiving...
This Thanksgiving put away you bag of spring mix and toss together this red yam and kale salad...
Add a zip of festive color to your door this holiday season with a gorgeous fruit wreath from...
Gravy is an essential part of Thanksgiving dinner. Forget about those gravy packets and make your...
Looking for a crowd-pleasing sweet potato recipe for Thanksgiving? Look no further! One of our...
Trade in those frozen beans, that can of condensed mushroom soup and fried onions, and go with this...
This vegan and gluten free stuffing from Jessica's Gluten Dairy Free Kitchen is filled with...
For the next two weeks, Foodista will be sharing recipes to create the ultimate Thanksgiving meal....
What more could you ask for: Spicy Buffalo Chicken and creamy Mac & Cheese get married! This is...
Stef of Cupcake Project has gone where no master baker has gone before with her latest creation;...
With the holiday season upon us, every party host should be armed with a few go-to holiday...
These Cookie Fellows are refined men. These dashing desserts are dotted with milk chocolate eyes...