If you have a hankering for something sweet but are short on time, this 5 minute chocolate mug cake...
Christina Tosi is the queen of using leftovers in her recipes. Known for heading Momofuku's...
Celebrate the spring strawberry with these organic cupcakes. Pure, delicious and seasonal,...
Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner and everyone will be celebrating with margaritas. Give your...
Here's a treat that won't have you running to the treadmill. These Red Velvet Cupcakes are...
For a grain free treat, these blueberry banana bars will be the hit of the party. We just love...
This Nutella cheesecake panini from Chocolate Moosey is a must-try dessert. Chocolate...
Strawberry cheesecake in a jar is a portable dessert worthy of any occasion. Mason jars are...
There is something about rainbow desserts that make people happy. Rainbow cheesecake is...
Strawberry upside cake is a gluten-free and vegan dessert. A variety of gluten-free flours...
There aren't many things in this world that are better than a great slice of birthday cake. The...
This fun Monopoly cake from CakeWalker is a sweet representation of this classic board game. ...
Some say this cake got its name from the humming sound you make with each delicious bite. This...
Cake batter flavored anything is delicious and these cake batter blondies from Taste and Tell are...
Rainbow cake pops are a fun treat to make for the kids. Colorful layers of cake are stacked on a...
Surprise your kids on April Fool's with this faux "chicken nugget and fries"...
Even though you are following a vegan diet, there is no reason why you can't enjoy one of...
These super easy bunny cookie pops are a stress-free treat for Easter. The trick to this...
Every gamer has a soft spot for the classics like Super Mario. These Super Mario mushroom cake pops...
This beautiful teal and yellow macaron from Sweetapolita is a sweet way to celebrate National...