Everyone knows that red velvet cake is a guaranteed crowd pleaser but Sprinkles Bakes takes this...
Celebrate three summer fruits with this decadent cheesecake. A rich and creamy cheesecake is...
These moist and delicious chocolate cupcakes are a gluten-free, dairy-free dessert. You can...
This no-bake Oreo cheesecake from Baker's Royale celebrates National Cheesecake Day. Who...
Cereal doesn't just make for a great breakfast, but many also enjoy it as a favorite snack. If...
Here's a recipe that will get your mouth watering. I Am Baker created this Butterscotch Peanut...
Red velvet ice cream cupcakes are a stress-free dessert. Sometimes we simply don't have...
Red velvet cake and healthy do not usually go hand in hand but Desserts with Benefits has managed...
Make the best of blueberry season with these Blueberry Cupcakes. From Tracy's Culinary...
Mastering how to cover a cake in fondant is one of the first techniques to learn if you are...
Whether you are a kid or just love kid movies, these Despicable Me 2 cupcakes from Bryton Taylor...
Give your holiday baking a little twist. Instead of the tradition Swiss roll, bake a Pumpkin Roll...
This Instagram cake is an edible version of the popular photo app. This chocolate mousse cake...
Whether you are a social media fanatic, work in marketing, or just like to bake, social media cake...
This 3D minion cake is a must-make dessert for any Despicable Me fan. This video is a step-by...
These Despicable Me 2 minion cupcakes are an easy dessert you can make with the kids. Your...
This amazing Mike Wazowski cake was inspired by Pixer's new animated film, Monsters University...
This festive Fourth of July flag cake will be a showstopper at your Independence Day barbecue.Watch...
The last thing you want to do during a heat wave is turn on the oven. This no-bake almond...
These star spangled whoopie pies from The Scrumptious Pumpkin are a patriotic dessert to celebrate...