April 2, 2008
I'm not talking Rice-A-Roni here, the San Francisco treat I'm referring to is IT'S-IT...
April 1, 2008
Remember those car games you used to play as a child? You'd pick something, briefly describe it...
March 31, 2008
Many people shrivel in their seats when they see the sommelier coming their way, thinking he or she...
March 30, 2008
When you land at the airport in Obregón, Mexico, as we did on our way back from Puerto Vallarta,...
March 30, 2008
No matter how hot and humid the weather, we are always drawn to the smell of freshly made tortillas...
March 29, 2008
Since we are in Mexico, I thought it only proper that I dedicate at least one blog post to the...
March 28, 2008
I'm in Mexico on vacation and have been reflecting on that fact that I've spent of about 2 years of...
March 26, 2008
Phew, this vacationing business is hard work! Deciding between the pool and the beach is just a bit...
March 25, 2008
Oh how I adore a good green peppercorn sauce. Over a juicy steak, on top of a fillet of fish, oh...
March 24, 2008
It’s Easter Sunday, and as I write this I sit aboard my dad’s 1958 Beechcraft Bonanza...
March 22, 2008
I love discovering new foods at farmer's markets. Last weekend we discovered purple asparagus. I...
March 21, 2008
"Pssst! Hey, man, you got any of the good stuff? I ask sotto voce. No, I am not looking to buy...
March 20, 2008
When I was a child we'd often visit my maternal grandparents in Sonoma, California. One of my...
March 19, 2008
It really disturbs me that I can enjoy dough deep fried in oil to such a great extent. The concept...
March 18, 2008
When cooking a meal one always uses some sort of seasoning. A special spice, a dash of a secret...
March 17, 2008
You know you have a good book in your hand when time simply evaporates - poof! two hours gone just...
March 16, 2008
On the eve of Saint Patrick's Day, in order to miss the crazy crowds drunk on green beer (are we...
March 15, 2008
I just got back from South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas. If you aren't familiar with SXSW,...
March 12, 2008
Dukkah, or duqqa, (DOO-ka) is an Egyptian mixture of toasted and ground nuts, seeds and spices...
March 11, 2008
I recently had the opportunity to interview Craig Boreth, author of The Hemingway Cookbook. Here's...