It's time to put on your apron and get through your foodie gift list with a few of these tasty treats. They make wonderful presents and come straight from the kitchen. Quick and easy, homemade gifts are always welcome by everyone and make the holidays special.
From That Skinny Chick Can Bake
Caramel sauce makes everything better. Serve up this thick, creamy confection at your holiday gathering or make it for all your besties on the Christmas list. We want to eat it by the spoonful.
Apple butter evokes visions of grandma bringing you a a warm cup of cocoa and a bit of spiced apple butter on toast. She was the best, right? Make your own version of this simple comfort food, and gift it to all your friends and family.
Do you have a friend who is so busy that homemade breakfast is out of the question? This is the perfect solution! Skip the boxed instant pancake mixes, and put together some of these mix and pour pancake kits. They would mean a lot to that busy friend, and are just super cool for anyone on your foodie list.
Make these delights for your most special foodies. These confections are flavorful and pretty, just right for that awesome gift basket you are putting together.
Maple Cinnamon Cranberry Pear Sauce
A fruity warm treat, spread some of this unique sauce on your toast, heat it up to pour over ice cream or pancakes. It's just right for drizzling onto scones and biscuits, or do what we do and dip butter cookies into it and eat is as-is. So tasty!
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