Roasted Elk Tenderloin Marinated with Toasted Dandelion Root

February 1, 2013

If you're looking for a tasty elk meat recipe, you'll definitely enjoy this one! Wild elk meat is marinated overnight in a dandelion milk brine, served on top of a creamy herbed polenta, then finished with caramelized figs and a fig and red wine sauce. Can't get your hands on wild elk meat? You can order it online from Marx Foods. This recipe is courtesy of Executive Chef John Cox of the award-winning Sierra Mar Restaurant at Big Sur's Post Ranch Inn.

Roasted Elk Tenderloin Marinated with Toasted Dandelion Root
Dandelion Milk Brine
8 tbs sifted-toasted dandelion root, chopped
1 tsp juniper berries
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp cinnamon
1 clove
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup kosher salt
4 cups whole milk
2 pounds Cleaned Wild Elk Tenderloin
In a sauté pan over medium heat, toast dandelion root, juniper berries, coriander, cinnamon and clove until dark brown. Add brown sugar, kosher salt and whole milk. Marinate cleaned elk tenderloin in dandelion milk brine overnight. When ready to cook, grill meat until done to your likeness.

Soft Semolina Polenta
4 cups Semolina
8 cups chicken stock
4 cups milk
3 young California bay leaves
1 tbs fine chopped sage
1 tbs fine chopped thyme
1 cup grated midnight moon cheese
Bring chicken stock and milk to a simmer
Whisk in semolina
Cook over low heat- stirring constantly  for 10 minutes
Add Chopped Herbs
Add grated cheese
Season with salt and pepper
Caramelized Figs
6 large fresh figs
3 tbs brown sugar
Cut figs in half
Sprinkle with brown sugar
Brulee with torch until well caramelized
Fig and Red Wine Sauce
10 Black Mission Figs Fresh
10 Black Mission Figs Dried
1 cup diced yellow onion
2 tbs dried Mullberries
1 tbs sugar
1 cup Veal Demi Glace
½ bottle Pinot Noir (preferably a coastal California)
1 tsp chopped thyme
1 tsp chopped sage
½ tsp chopped rosemary
4 oz unsalted butter
1 cup red beet juice
Combine the figs, mulberries, sugar, onion, demi, pinot noir, beet juice and reduce over low heat until figs begin to break apart.
Add the fresh chopped herbs and butter.
Blend in vitamix
Strain through chinoise
Season with salt and pepper to taste
Fried small sage leaves.
