Etsy Find: Cinnamon Latte Lollipops

May 14, 2012

This week's Etsy find is so awesome, there are no words to do it justice. As any true coffee lover, it always catches our eye when we see this delicious beverage as an ingredient in anything. 

How does a Cinnamon Latte Lollipop sound? How about if we add that there is actual micro ground coffee inside? We thought so. 

Check out this amazing Etsy find: 

The Shoppe: LeccareLollipops

Direct jump to the best lollipop idea, EVER: Cinnamon Latte Lollipops

Image Sources:



Sylvia's picture

All their lollipops are great - probably my favorites are the salt&caramel and the cinnamon latte, though there are new ones all the time. Before thinking "wow, they're not cheap", remember that they last a lot longer than a Tootsie Roll pop and taste a heck of a lot better! ... and they're really not expensive for what you get.