September 20, 2011

In Memphis Tennessee, Adam Guerrero, a high school math teacher and some of his students are considered a public nuisance due to their habit of tending to an urban garden. The codes that they are supposedly violating, consider the garden unsanitary, unsightly, and even potentially harmful to property values.
Considering that Adam and company are keeping bees. making compost, and producing biofuel, you'd think that the neighborhood would be honored to have these sustainable citizens as neighbors.
Here is the petition and Facebook page to support Adam and his efforts to keep the garden alive. A similae campaign worked, in the case of the Michigan gardener who was facing 93 days in jail.
Image Sources:
September 20, 2011
With 28 percent obesity Memphis has quite a reputation for BBQ and high caloric fast food. Although we have many farmers markets produce in
our only grocery, Kroger, is not of high quality or great variety. We have only one Whole Foods and no Trader Joe's.
Anyone that supports sustainable healthy urban gardening should be commended not discouraged.