August 9, 2011

Jamie Oliver's Birmingham restaurant, Jamie's Italian, is one of the many businesses that has been damaged in the London riots.
"My love and thoughts go out to everyone affected by these riots, and all the people I work with who are in the thick of it safe," Oliver tweeted. "Sadly my restaurant in Birmingham got smashed up, windows all gone, whole area closed, can't open, staff and customers all safe!! Thankfully. Thanks to the police & emergency service for what they're dealing with. The communities are amazing!"
It's good to hear that none of Oliver's staff were hurt during the riots. Here's hoping his restaurant is open again in no time!
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August 9, 2011
So sorry to hear about this - such a beautiful restaurant. Jamie's tweet was well written. Please Londoners, take a deep breath, clear your heads, stop destroying your beautiful home...
August 9, 2011
So sorry to hear about this - such a beautiful restaurant. Jamie's tweet was well written. Please Londoners, take a deep breath, clear your heads, stop destroying your beautiful home...
August 10, 2011
Sorry, absolutely no compassion for Oliver here. Can there be better advertisement for him and his kitchen? I doubt that he has any real loss, as he surely can afford a nice insurance. Apart from that nice statement above, he also twittered:
'We need to come down hard on these idiots'.
Understand the social problems? No, just come down hard on these idiots.
Acknowledging that this kind of behavior is the result of years of discrimination? No, just come down hard on these idiots.
Take the people's frustration and hopelessness seriously? No, just come down hard on these idiots. (Oh and: Staging a nice alibi-cooking with "troubled kids", of course with at least 2 cameras filming it.)
Jamie Oliver: Tun on your brain, stop babbling nonsense.