Bull Meat Secret To Chicago Hot Dogs

June 22, 2011


Leave it to the Chicago Sun-Times to give the Chicago Hot Dog the full treatment. You see, it's not what just goes on the dog, but what's in the weiner, that makes a Chicago Hot Dog special. Turns out the all-beef hot dogs are made from 75 percent bull's meat. 

“It’s high in protein and low in fat and has a lot of bind to it,” explains Bob Schwartz, senior vice president of Vienna Beef, the leading maker of Chicago Hot Dogs. 

The signature "snap" of a Chicago Hot Dog wiener is thanks to a special casing made from sheep's gut for regular-size weiners. But don't turn your nose up at that, natural casings are the most expensive. Those are the Rolls Royce of hot dog weiners. 

Then they're spiced with paprika, salt and a touch of sugar and infused with smoky flavor. 

Chicago hot dogs are made with steamed all-beef weiners and served on a poppy seed bun with mustard, onions, relish, a dill pickle, tomato, pickled short peppers and a dash of celery salt. Some say Chicago Hot Dogs are "dragged through the garden" because of all of the veggies. Most importantly, there's no ketchup allowed on a Chicago Hot Dog. It's the rule. 

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medical assistant salary's picture

wow. what kind of food that is.? I don't know if i can still do those things then.