May 10, 2011

One young person believes in living a vegan lifestyle. She believed in it so strongly that she had to show the entire world how much she believed in it. So, she decided to have the word "vegan" tattooed to her inner lip (ouch!). Shortly after the procedure was completed, the user showed off her new tattoo on Facebook for all her friends to see.
Problem: one of her friends commented that black tattoo ink is usually made from burning animal bones down into a charcoal. Unless the young person specifically asked for tattoo ink without animal products in them, she probably got her tattoo in a very non-vegan way.
The Reddit thread where is came from is called "what an awful return to omnivorism."
Photo by: CALM Action
June 1, 2012
Kudos gal...!!! <a href"">Me</a>