You Can Have Your Soda and Drink It Too

May 8, 2011

hibiscus soda

At last the health conscious crowd (and beyond) can enjoy frosty, sparkling summer coolers without any guilt. These home brews are not just an alternative to overly sweetened sodas filled with additives. They actually fermented, which means that they are packed with beneficial enzymes and bacteria to support digestion.

Ginger Mint Lime Lacto-Fermented Soda Ginger and mint are powerful digestive herbs. This recipe even calls for rapadura which is an unrefined sugar that still contains minerals and fiber. I would go with the 1/2 cup (or less) recommendation. Even though rapadura has more health benefits than many other forms of sugar, all sweeteners are best consumed in moderation.

Hibiscus and Rosehips Soda- This refreshing cooler is fermented with kefir and is also loaded with vitamin C. Go ahead and toast to your health, as you support digestion and immunity while drinking this delicious concoction.

Photo: Reidab and JustinKern



Green Living Eco's picture

Great ideas adding ginger and mint! We recently wrote about <a href="">soda alternatives</a> and put a juice spritzer in our list, but we did not think of adding those to make it even better for you.

Green Living Eco's picture

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