Raw Tacos

November 6, 2009

There's no meat in the fridge, no canned salmon in the cabinet, not even a packet of spam. What's a woman to feed a carnivorous husband? So I found a recipe for raw tacos! Walnuts? Check. Spices? Check. Soy Sauce? Check. Food processor? Not so much, but I'm resourceful and make do with a coffee grinder.

After grinding, mixing, and using over sized lettuce leaves as shells, I served these tacos to my husband. He protested a little, but he tried a bite. And he liked it! He and I both agree that thanks to using the same spices that you would normally use in taco meat, it tasted just like a normal taco. He even enjoyed the lettuce leaves as a shell. Children might like this recipe too, ok maybe not the lettuce leaf.

Try it for yourself! Just drop a glob of guacamole, mango rawlsa, and some rawesome sour cream and you'll have a meatless, vegan, gluten-free meal! Feeling adventurous? Try making your own raw taco shells, maybe even explore some other raw, meatless international food like Raw Pad Thai or Rawssian borscht!

Today is National Nachos Day, so how about you mix up a little meatless, raw nachos by making Spicy Corn Raw Tortilla Chips, Raw Nacho Cheese,  and Raw Refried Beans. Of course you could also just use meatless refried beans if you don't want to go all out raw, but hey, guacamole can always be raw right?

Photo by Geoff604.

Raw Tacos With Raw Sour Cream on Foodista

Raw Taco Shells on Foodista

Mango Rawlsa on Foodista

Guacamole on Foodista



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Alex's picture

hmmm ive used this recipe a couple times but now I have switched to this <a href="http://eatingfoodraw.com/raw-food-recipes/sunflower-taco-meat/" rel="nofollow">raw taco recipe</a> which uses sunflower seed instead. it's a lot cheaper...

taco shells look great though, what's in them? I've been using collard greens as wraps which are pretty but it would be nice to have a taco shell!