Jerusalem Artichokes

January 16, 2009

Photo: Laurel Fan

They're funny looking, but ever so delicious! Jerusalem artichokes, also called sunchokes, look a bit like ginger, but oval, and taste like a cross between a fingerling potato and the heart of an artichoke. Two foods that top my list.

I've found roasting to be the simplest preparation, as steaming or boiling can result in a mushy mess. I cut them into quarters, toss them in a bit of olive oil, sprinkle them with a bit of kosher salt and fresh ground pepper, and slow roast them until tender. That's it. They're so delicately flavorful they don't need much more than that.

More on Jerusalem Artichokes:

Jerusalem Artichokes on Foodista



Deseree's picture

I have never had these, but fingerling potatoes and artichokes are two of my favorite things. They sound really easy to prepare,but where can you find them? I have heard of them before but I don't remember seeing them at the grocery store.

Jan Seeley's picture

Thanks for posting this. I've always wondered how to cook these buggers. They look delicious. I will search for some and try them out. Maybe Met Market?

Michele's picture

I'll just say ditto to everything Deseree wrote. I have heard of them but never saw them and had no idea that's what they tasted like. Now I have got to find them!