The "piloncillo" is a byproduct of the evaporation of the sugarcane juices, resulting in the crystallization of sucrose containing minerals and vitamins, fructose and glucose. To produce a ton of piloncillo, 10 tons of sugarcane are required
Other names: Panela, Panocha, Piloncillo
Translations: Пилонцилло
Physical Description
conical shape or round and tall as a small cake.
Colors: Brown
Tasting Notes
Flavors: SIMILAR to brown sugar cane.
Mouthfeel: Sugar like
Food complements: Bread, Chocolate, Etc.
Wine complements: Not with wine.
Beverage complements: As a sweetener for chocolate or "atole" drinks.
Substitutes: Brown sugar
Selecting and Buying
Choosing: n/a
Buying: In Latino's supermarkets
Procuring: it is a by product
Preparation and Use
In Mexico's traditional cuisne, and Industrial like soft drinks, hot drinks, pastries, canned fruits and vegetables, juices, sweetener, cakes, biscuits, cookies and desserts in general, jams, etc.
Cleaning: n/a
Conserving and Storing