Spiced Rum
These rums obtain their flavor through addition of spices and, sometimes, caramel. Most are darker in color, and based on gold rums. Some are significantly darker, while many cheaper brands are made from inexpensive white rums and darkened with artificial caramel color.
Translations: Aromatizēta Rum, Prieskoniais Romas, Condimentat Romul, Začinjena Rum, Przyprawione Rum, Gekruide Rum, मसालेदार रम, Пряный ром, Καρυκεύεται Ρούμι, متبل روم, 투입된 럼, Kořeněná Rum, Dibumbui Rum, Spiced rhum, 五香鲁姆, Ron amb espècies, Začinjen Rum, Korenená Rum, מתובלים רום, Kryddad Rom, Зачињено рум, スパイスラム, Krydret Rum, Krydret Rum, Ron con especias, Пряний ром, Maustettua Rommi, Подправено ром