Hyacinth Bean


The Hyacinth Bean is found in Africa, India and Indonesia. It has to be boiled for a long amount of time, because it has a high concentration of poison.


Translations: Hiacintēm Bean, Hiacinto Bean, Zambile Bean, Zumbul Bean, Bean lục bình, Hiacynt Bean, जलकुंभी बीन, Гиацинт Бин, Υάκινθος Bean, صفير بقول, 히아신스 콩, Hyacint Bean, 扁豆, Jacinto Bean, Hyacint Bean, Giacinto Bean, יקינתון Bean, Hjälmbönssläktet, Зумбул Бин, フジマメ, Jacinto Bean, Гіацинт Бін, Hyasintti Bean, Хиацинт Бийн



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