Technique: Piping
Piping is a technique where a person takes a soft substance, like mashed potato or even frosting into a pastry bag and then uses this to create trim or interesting patterns on or around a dish or dessert.
Other names: Pipe, Piped
Translations: Vamzdynai, Conducte, Cjevovod, Đường ống, Rurociągi, गरमा, Трубопроводы, Σωληνώσεις, الأنابيب, 배관, Potrubí, Mainit na mainit, 管道, Canonada, Potrubie, צנרת, Rörsystem, Цевоводи, 配管, Tubería, Трубопроводи, Putkistojen, Тръбни