Green Smoothie for Green Health: Embrace the Gifts of Mother Nature & Stay Blessed!


2-3 cups raw spinach
1 large ripe banana
1 cup strawberries
1 cup peaches
1 cup low-fat yoghurt
½ teaspoon chia seeds
Ice cubes


Simply combine all the ingredients in a high-speed blender until thick and creamy. You may adjust for your desired consistency by adding ice.
Serve the Green Smoothie in a bowl rather than a Glass to relish it slowly and to the utmost contentment. Don’t forget to top the smoothie bowl with your favorite fruits, grated coconut flakes, chia seeds etc. to add a feeling of fulfilment.


The color Green is symbolic to Mother Nature. Nature has given us wonderful and colorful Vegetables and Fruits. We don’t need to go far to look for the nutrition boost we need in our daily lives. It’s right here in the lap of Mother Nature.
This Green Smoothie for Green Health in less than 5 minutes for a quick nutrition boost and for Happy & Healthy living.This Green smoothie truly makes you have an affair with the leafy greens and all season fruits.




Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 5:37am


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