Chicken and Vegetable Soup with Pasta


8 - 10 cups of homemade chicken broth
5 carrots, peeled and sliced
1/2 sweet onion diced into small chunks
5 celery stalks
Tinkyada Pasta Joy (your choice of type)
Chicken that you boned, chopped
6 crimini mushrooms, stem removed and sliced
1/2 bunch of Chard Greens, leaves removed leave the middle stalk or vein, chop the leaves
lots of fresh cracked black pepper
large dash of Poultry seasoning and dried Basil
salt to taste


Place your Chicken Stock into a large Soup Pot or any large cooking vessel bring to a low boil, add your carrots first, they take the longest to cook, let simmer for 10 minutes
Add plenty of fresh cracked black pepper, the Poultry seasoning and dried Basil along with salt if needed
Add your sliced celery and onion, cook for 5 more minutes then add everything else, cook for approximately 20 minutes till your veggies are fork tender.
*while your soup is simmering, cook your pasta according to the package directions, rinse and drain well
Place your cooked pasta into your serving bowl and ladle soup on top (keep the leftover soup and pasta separate or the pasta will get bloated and unappetizing)


My Mom was diagnosed with Celliacs disease about 5 years ago, if she eats or even touches anything that contains Wheat, Rye or Barley, she can become ill for days. You would not believe how many foods contain Wheat, from Salad Dressing to canned Tomato Soup. It is pretty hard to navigate cooking and eating out with Celliacs. I like to make her life a bit easier and cook for her when I can


Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 10:51am


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